People in challenging circumstances

People in challenging circumstances

People convicted of offences

We have a well-established reputation for our work with offenders, particularly for our work with ‘hard to reach’ groups, including:

  • ‘Vulnerable Prisoners’
  • People with mental health conditions or personality disorders
  • Women in prison
  • Young offenders
  • Ex-military personnel
  • Self-harmers
  • People not engaging in education and work
  • People recovering from substance misuse

See where we work

People with disabilities

We have a long track record of working with people with:

  • Physical disabilities
  • Learning disabilities
  • Chronic health conditions

Many of whom are socially isolated and many who have been unemployed for long periods of time.

People with mental health needs

We are experienced at supporting people with diverse mental health needs including:

  • people living with mental health needs in the community
  • people with more acute needs in secure hospitals. For example, mothers with post-partum psychosis, teenagers with eating disorders, people with obsessive compulsive disorders.
  • people for whom mental illness was a factor in committing an offence

Sharing expertise

We always deliver our projects in partnership with specialist host organisations. This means:

  • the necessary expertise is embedded in our work from initial planning, through delivery and evaluation of impact
  • our team can work safely and enable positive outcomes for participants with often very complex needs
  • the Good Vibrations team is always increasing and extending our knowledge
  • we are able to share our own knowledge and experience through our network of partners

We have a well-established reputation for our work with offenders, particularly for our work with ‘hard to reach’ groups, including:

 ‘Vulnerable Prisoners’

 People with mental health conditions or personality disorders

 Women in prison

 Young offenders

 Ex-military personnel


 People not engaging in education and work

 People recovering from substance misuse

White man with grey hair and a beard wearing a grey sweatshirt and joggers, looking concentrated in front of a xylophone.

We have a long track record of working with people with:

 Physical disabilities

 Learning disabilities

 Chronic health conditions

Many of whom are socially isolated and many who have been unemployed for long periods of time.

White woman helping white man in wheelchair play a gong with a beater.

We are experienced at supporting people with diverse mental health needs including:

 people living with mental health needs in the community

 people with more acute needs in secure hospitals. For example, mothers with post-partum psychosis, teenagers with eating disorders, and people with obsessive-compulsive disorders.

 people for whom mental illness was a factor in committing an offence

Sharing expertise

We always deliver our projects in partnership with specialist host organisations. This means:

 the necessary expertise is embedded in our work from initial planning, through delivery and evaluation of impact

 our team can work safely and enable positive outcomes for participants with often very complex needs

 the Good Vibrations team is always increasing and extending our knowledge

 we are able to share our own knowledge and experience through our network of partners

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if gamelan is unfamiliar to you we have a selection of recordings from our projects

and why not?

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© 2025 Good Vibrations. All Rights Reserved. Good Vibrations is a registered charity in England and Wales (number 1126493) and in Scotland (number SC048860). Thank you for visiting.
Photography by Toby Madden/The Independent, Osman Deen/South London Press, Camilla Panufnik, Elspeth Van Der Hole, GDA Design, Gigi Chiying Lam, G. Bland, Alan Bryden, Mark Carlin, Rachel Cherry, Francois Boutemy, Andy Hollingworth, Rebaz Yassin, and Guy Smallman.

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