Resonate Community Music

Community, connection and creativity

We run thriving community music projects in Glasgow, Nottingham and Sheffield. Anyone is welcome, particularly people with disabilities and mental health needs.

These include weekly gamelan sessions throughout the year, so players can develop their musical skills, get to know people in their local community and work together to develop new ideas and collaborations. We also run week-long intensive gamelan courses in partnership with local support organisations, mixing in different art forms and taking the project out to new places and to new people.

To find out more and sign up for our Resonate Sheffield sessions, please click here!

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© 2024 Good Vibrations. All Rights Reserved. Good Vibrations is a registered charity in England and Wales (number 1126493) and in Scotland (number SC048860). Thank you for visiting.
Photography by Toby Madden/The Independent, Osman Deen/South London Press, Camilla Panufnik, Elspeth Van Der Hole, GDA Design, Gigi Chiying Lam, G. Bland, Alan Bryden, Mark Carlin, Rachel Cherry, Francois Boutemy, Andy Hollingworth, Rebaz Yassin, and Guy Smallman.

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