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Fantastic performance at Koestler Opening Day!

A group of 15 of us – past Good Vibrations participants from various different projects in prisons, probation and with NEET young people, plus some Good Vibrations team members and a couple of willing volunters who’d NEVER played gamelan before – spent 1.5 hours working together, using the Good Vibrations approach, to create a short set of 3 pieces from scratch, which we then performed in front of a large and appreciative audience at the Koestler Exhibition Opening Day at the Southbank!  (picture Brian Benson/Koestler Trust)

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© 2024 Good Vibrations. All Rights Reserved. Good Vibrations is a registered charity in England and Wales (number 1126493) and in Scotland (number SC048860). Thank you for visiting.
Photography by Toby Madden/The Independent, Osman Deen/South London Press, Camilla Panufnik, Elspeth Van Der Hole, GDA Design, Gigi Chiying Lam, G. Bland, Alan Bryden, Mark Carlin, Rachel Cherry, Francois Boutemy, Andy Hollingworth, Rebaz Yassin, and Guy Smallman.

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