Opportunities Database

Young Women’s Trust

Young Women’s Trust run a free service called Work It Out that offers support for women aged 18 to 30 living in England and Wales. It will unlock your potential by building skills, strong mental health and opening up opportunities for your future. 

They particularly want to support young women, with experience of living on low or no pay, with a disability, who are currently out of work, who have caring responsibilities, who are care leavers or who have few or no formal qualifications. This service is welcomes all young including trans women. If you identify as non-binary and are comfortable being supported by a women’s service we are happy to help you.

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England, Wales

Organisation type(s):


Organisation sub-type(s):

Employment Help

Gender specific:

Women Only

Age restrictive:


Participants type(s):

Everyone, Long term unemployment, Physical disabilities, Vulnerable women, Wellbeing challenges

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Photography by Toby Madden/The Independent, Osman Deen/South London Press, Camilla Panufnik, Elspeth Van Der Hole, GDA Design, Gigi Chiying Lam, G. Bland, Alan Bryden, Mark Carlin, Rachel Cherry, Francois Boutemy, Andy Hollingworth, Rebaz Yassin, and Guy Smallman.

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