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Good Vibrations case study in new book “Interventions in Criminal Justice”

A new book, “Interventions in Criminal Justice”, out shortly, has a chapter by Laura Caufield and Professor David Wilson on the role of arts in prisons.  Good Vibrations is used as a case study.  The rest of the book looks really interesting too…

“This exciting new book brings together the experiences and expertise of a range of practitioners who work within criminal justice and provides a broad and informative account of a variety of intervention techniques. From pharmacological approaches, through the treatment of various specific conditions and on to the use of poetry and art by prisoners, the book offers a series of thought-provoking chapters that will help inform the practice of anyone who works with this vulnerable population.
The book is edited by Peter Jones, a leading figure in the field of working therapeutically with offenders.

Chapter 1: 
Working with offenders with personality disorders
Michael Brookes

Chapter 2: One body, many voices: the complexity of working with a patient with
dissociative identity disorder
Lynn Greenwood

Chapter 3: The role of the arts as an intervention with offenders in prison
Laura Caulfield and David Wilson

Chapter 4: Beautiful sentence: poetry as a therapeutic intervention
Leah Thorn

Chapter 5: The potential of prison health
Lars Møller and Alex Gatherer

Chapter 6: A gender responsive approach to female sex offenders
Sherry Ashfield, Sheila Brotherston and Hilary Eldridge

Chapter 7: Drug treatment and harm reduction in prisons
Heino Stöver

Chapter 8: Suicide, attempted suicide and self-injury in prisons
David Crighton

Chapter 9: The perils and promise of multidisciplinary working
Richard Shuker

Chapter 10: Cognitive behavioural therapy
Euan Hails 

Chapter 11: Working with women who self-harm in prison settings
Julia MS Rose 

Vital information for: Probation officers, social workers, counsellors, psychologists who work within the criminal justice system.” 

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Photography by Toby Madden/The Independent, Osman Deen/South London Press, Camilla Panufnik, Elspeth Van Der Hole, GDA Design, Gigi Chiying Lam, G. Bland, Alan Bryden, Mark Carlin, Rachel Cherry, Francois Boutemy, Andy Hollingworth, Rebaz Yassin, and Guy Smallman.

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